PRIST® I EX is without question a high-end embellishment. The unique technology within the production set-up and patented metalized TPU process, results in a high-frequency transfer of superior quality and the most inimitable product in the market.
PRIST® NP I EX is a smooth surface, pattern free alternative to our high-end PRIST® | EX heat transfer label.
PRIST® | EX + PRINT combines different eye catching metalized pattern surfaces with a solid printing on top and even offers the possiblity to add a consecutive numbering for maximum product authentification.
PRIST® SP | EX allows you to combine the metalized TPU surface with sharp edges to create a very unique 3D appearance. This special quality opens up fascinating design possibilities that stand out due to their uniqueness.
3D HF TPU is a high-frequency thermoplastic polyurethane heat transfer coupled with a matt finish. These unique 3D heat transfers offer an unparalleled design appearance to your garments.
The high-frequency thermoplastic polyurethane 3D HF TPU | GLOSS is a decorative heat transfer label with gloss finishing that offers an exciting embellishment solution.
Our PRIST® products can be produced in both a metallic and non-metallic finish.
PRIST® | EX has a patterned surface, while PRIST® NP | EX has a plain surface.
PRIST® is the only patented metalized TPU process, made by a metallic mould, creating a high-frequency transfer of superior quality. As with any high-quality product or process, you would always expect to pay a slight premium.